To Everything There is a Season...
When the worlds of the gods were fused into a singular plane so too were the afterlives of the realms. Hel, the Underworld, Duat, Valhalla, the Elysian Fields all have been brought together into one massive land of the dead. A place where souls throughout the realms are gathered, judged and sent to their final rewards.
The Dead Have Secrets...
There is more to this massive Necropolis than meets the eye. The Lands of the Dead are a Prison too. Great terrors from ancient Titans to rogue gods are imprisoned here, sealed away for Eternity in the darkest depths of Tartarus for the safety of all life, Mortal and Immortal alike.
Endings are Beginnings...
The Lands of the dead are populated by souls of the departed awaiting their final judgments and rewards. Many more wander the land trying to escape their fate. And on occasion the living venture forth to these lands on the most epic of adventures, for only the most foolhardy or bravest of the brave descend into the lands of the dead and return.
The Final Reward...
So whether the rewards of Duat, Valhalla or the Elysian fields, Or the unending torture of Tartarus, all come here for their final judgment. Just remember when you arrive at the edge of the rivers separating the land of the dead from the living, bring a coin for the ferryman.