
Welcome to Roleplay Oasis Where with enough imagination a whole new world opens up!

Site Rules

1. There will be no underage players OR characters allowed. - Roleplay Oasis is an adult chat site. Children may be referred to in passing in posts on an NPC level. Even in passing, there are to be no storylines involving children in sexual or violent situations. Children are not to be harmed. Period. Bottom line, keep it tasteful as well as legal. Failure to apply will result in a lifetime ban of Roleplayoasis.

2. Avatar size limit for the site is 400 pixels tall by 550 pixels wide. - Individual rooms may alter this limit as they see fit. Please check the rules posted for the individual room.

3. Disturbance of roleplay is not acceptable. - Those that enter a room with the intent to create a disturbance may be site banned for 2 weeks on a first offense. Repeated offenses may be site banned for life.

4. Be aware of and obey individual room rules.

5. Personal information is private. - There will be no posting of any personal, real life information other than your own without explicit permission. This includes real life names, addresses, phone numbers, IP# or any other information that could be considered personal identification. This is a banning offense.

6. The following will not be tolerated on Roleplay Oasis and will result in consequences:

A. Hacking in any form

B. Spamming/flooding of rooms

C. Impersonation of admin, staff or other chatters

Roleplay Oasis Terms of Service:

1. Underage chatters will not be permitted on this site. If a person is found to be under the age of 18 years old, they will be banned for life. Anyone who knowingly harbors an underage chatter will also be banned for life. There will be no exceptions. Underage chatters in this adult environment put the site, its staff, and all of its chatters at risk.

2. Roleplay Oasis has a zero tolerance policy on harassment and stalking as defined by the various anti-harassment/cyber-stalking legislation that have been passed to protect chatters on the web. Our staff will comply fully with all laws and fully cooperate in any investigation of such activities to the maximum extent of our ability. Roleplay Oasis will respond quickly, and aggressively, to reach a resolution in these situations. If it has been determined that harassment and/or stalking have occurred, the perpetrator should expect:

A. A life-time site ban and loss of all membership privileges without refund.

B. If they owned a room, their room may be removed, again without refund.

***Note: These consequences are entirely separate from any legal action that the victim might pursue on their own.***

3. Roleplay Oasis owns the web space that hosts our site and room entry pages. Links on those pages that are discovered to link to any material that threatens, harasses, is illegal in any form, or reveals real life information about other chatters will not be tolerated. By allowing that material to exist in a link to their room, the room owner will be considered as condoning it and may risk the previously mentioned harassment consequences.

4. Roleplay Oasis can NOT act on interpersonal conversations that take place off Roleplay Oasis media. This includes instant messenger services, phone calls, other chat sites, message boards and websites not linked to Roleplay Oasis. Please do not ask us to try. We can only act on what takes place, or is linked to, Roleplay Oasis.

5. Running a successful roleplay room requires the time and attention of its leader. Roleplay Oasis reserves the right to close a room that has remained inactive for 30 consecutive days without refund of any cost. Memberships will not be revoked, but the room may be removed unless other arrangements have been made with Roleplay Oasis staff to explain extenuating circumstances of an extended absence.

6. Roleplay Oasis reserves the right to cancel the membership, close the room and/or remove other site privileges of any person for violation of site rules and policy without any refund of purchase price.

7. Roleplay Oasis is an adult chat site. We expect our chatters to behave as adults. This means no bashing, trashing, flaming, harassing, or other such behavior. You don't have to like everyone here, but you do have to handle yourself in an adult, civil manner.

8. Underage porn, bestiality, or other illegal activities of any sort tolerated on Roleplay Oasis. That includes the use of underage models for avatars. Violation could result in both banning and legal action if warranted. We have no tolerance for anyone who engages in or endorses child pornography and will fully cooperate with all laws and agencies in such matters.

Roleplay Oasis Harassment/Stalking Policy and Procedures

Harassment/Stalking Policy

1. Harassment can be defined as creating an unpleasant, disturbing, hostile or threatening environment for another person.

2. Please notice that there is nothing in that definition that indicates that the act of harassment has to be intentional. If a person reasonably feels like they are being harassed, then they have a right for that harassing behavior to stop.

3. There are a number of different types of harassment that can occur. These are the ones that most closely fit online situations:

A. Bullying - Psychological harassing behaviour perpetrated against an individual, by one or more persons.

B. Stalking - The unauthorized following and surveillance of an individual, to the extent that the person's privacy is unacceptably intruded upon, and the victim fears for their safety.

C. Psychological harassment - This is humiliating or abusive behaviour that lowers a person?s self-esteem or causes them torment. This can take the form of verbal comments, actions or gestures.

D. Racial harassment - The targeting of an individual because of their race or ethnicity. The harassment may include words, deeds, and actions that are specifically designed to make the target feel degraded due to their race or ethnicity. Religious harassment - Verbal, psychological or physical harassment's used against targets because they choose to practice a specific religion.

E. Sexual harassment - Harassment involves unwanted and unwelcome, words, deeds, actions, gestures, symbols, or behaviours of a sexual nature that make the target feel uncomfortable. Gender and sexual orientation harassment fall into this family.

4. As stated in its Terms of Service, Roleplay Oasis has a zero tolerance policy on harassment and stalking. Roleplay Oasis will respond quickly, and aggressively, to reach a resolution in these situations. Our staff will comply fully with all laws and fully cooperate in any investigation of such activities to the maximum extent of our ability. If it has been determined that harassment and/or stalking have occurred that cannot be resolved in a reasonable manner, the perpetrator should expect:

A. A life-time site ban and loss of all membership privileges without refund.

B. If they owned a room, their room may be removed, again without refund. These consequences are entirely separate from any legal action that the victim might pursue on their own.


Harassment/Stalking Procedure

CHATTERS: If you feel that you are being harassed you should pursue the following steps to seek an end to the behavior.

1. Clearly and politely state to the person who you feel is harassing you that would like them to cease all contact with you. Script this along with time stamp. This also implies that you will cease to contact that person as well.

2. Block that person on any forms of messenger and ignore them in rooms. This should end the problem.

3. If the contact continues, script every incident with time and date stamps included. Please note that Roleplay Oasis can do nothing further about contact on messengers, phone or any other means not directly linked to our site. We do, however, encourage you to make good use of ignore, block and delete functions? and contact the provider of that medium. They may very well have additional means of helping you.

4. If harassing behavior continues in Roleplay Oasis chatrooms or on message boards directly linked to Roleplay Oasis, script every incident with time and date stamps or take screen shots of the message board and take it the owner of the room in which you feel the harassment is occurring.

5. All complaints of harassment or stalking on Roleplay Oasis will be taken seriously. If you have followed the above stated procedure and a successful resolution has not been reached within a reasonable period of time, please contact the site admin directly by Roleplay Oasis message board PM.

ROOM OWNERS: If a chatter comes to you with a complaint of harassment:

1. Please note that you are not responsible to determine if the behavior is harassment or not.

2. Make sure the person with the complaint is aware of the above stated procedure. Ask them if they have followed it.

3. If they have followed the procedure and the contact has continued, you are required to notify the admin of Roleplay Oasis promptly of the complaint by PM on the Roleplay Oasis message boards. Include a brief description of the details and be prepared with copies of all scripts.

4. You should contact the person initiating the behavior being complained about and warn them again that they are to cease all contact with the person who filed the complaint. You should also inform them that the site admin has already been informed of the complaint and that if contact does not cease immediately, they may be banned from the site. This conversation should be scripted and sent to the site Admin via Roleplay Oasis message board PM as well.